What can Anime Teach us about Performance Anxiety and Mental Health?
A presentation by Dr. Marcus PJ Tan BSc MBBS MRCPsych (Gaming the Mind)
About this Event
As geeks we are generally considered an eccentric crowd. A lot of anime teaches us that it's okay to be ourselves. But what happens when societal pressures get too much and we feel unable to meet their expectations? Join me and a panel of other like-minded mental health professionals who also happen to be geeks, as we hold a live discussion exploring how this is showcased in sports anime including Yuri on Ice and Tsurune. We consider how anxiety in these anime takes many forms, and how it is affected by the people around those that suffer from it. Through it we hope to share our professional knowledge on the subject and, through a lively and interactive discussion, hope to reduce some stigma around the condition and mental health more generally too!