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Boontarika Sripom Lorran Garrison Billy San Juan

Reserve Your Seat! Geeks Supporting the AAPI Community (Keynote)

A presentation by Lorran Garrison School Psychologist, PPS (she/her) , Boontarika Sripom MA (ENFP 4w5, neurodivergent) and Dr. Billy San Juan PsyD

TAGGS 2024 was Proudly Sponsored by

About this Event

Asian/Pacific Islanders are portrayed as “model minority.” This label misrepresents the individual struggles of immigrants, and their progeny. Join three experts as they discuss personal stories of discrimination based on the model minority assumption, and explore the socio-cultural and historical aspects of how it came to be.

*Join the speakers right after this keynote talk at their workshop: Geeks Unite! Supporting the AAPI Community!

April 11, 2021, 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

About The Presenters

Lorran Garrison

Lorran Garrison School Psychologist, PPS (she/her)

Co-Founder, Little Brainstorm

Lorran Garrison, co-founder of Little Brainstorm, a book publisher focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, is a licensed school psychologist in California who supports transgender and non-binary students, as well as BIPOC and neurodivergent individuals, by promoting social justice and equity in

Boontarika Sripom

Boontarika Sripom MA (ENFP 4w5, neurodivergent)

Life Coach, Organized Messes

Billy San Juan

Dr. Billy San Juan PsyD
