"The Power is Yours!" Learning to Calm Eco Anxiety and Take Climate Change Head On
A presentation by Ariel Landrum LMFT (She/Her)
About this Event
Captain Planet taught us that looting and polluting isn't the way. What were once novelty PSA messages given at the end of a 25 minute segment, have now become fears and anxieties our generation (and generations to come) face when addressing climate change. These fears can lead to dread, disillusionment, and daily worry, known as eco-anxiety. When we are well aware that systemic problems can't be changed on an individual level, we often are left feeling powerless. In this session, learn how to take your power back and empower your clients by becoming a planeteer hero.
Learning Objectives:
1. Defining eco-anxiety.
2. Defining climate change.
3. Addressing media representation of climate change.
4. Practical steps to address our carbon footprint.
5. Ways to address eco-anxiety in session.
6. Avoiding eco-policing and other ableist thoughts around lowering a carbon footprint.
Supplemental Handout: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dWMJJYpVLHggwEq2WT0OFrAURzUTXtVS/view?usp=sharing