Turning Red: The Asian Diaspora Experience
A presentation by Ariel Landrum LMFT (She/Her) and Dr. Elizabeth Han PsyD, CCTP-II, ASDCS (she/her)
About this Event
This presentation dives into impactful healing work for the Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Diaspora through the Pixar film, Turning Red. Attendees will learn clinical interventions found within the film that assist in expressing complex emotional states, internal narratives, generational trauma, and generational resilience.
Learning Objectives:
- Distinguish between narrative therapy and geek therapy
- Identify three interventions to use with their AANHPI clients
- Outline the connection between generational trauma and generational resilience
- Discuss the role of attachment wounds and post-traumatic growth in the film and how therapists can use these concepts in therapy.
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