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Ryan Cagle Spiritual Director (he/him)

Roll for Spirituality Wannabe real life wizard who has multi-classed in spirituality, game design, and the bardic college of story telling.

About this Presenter

I'm Ryan Cagle and I do a whole lot of different stuff... Such as... designing weird and strange table top role-playing games at Paradox Press/Games, hosting a podcast about the intersections of table top role-playing games and Spirituality called Roll For Spirituality, offering Spiritual Direction with a particular emphasis on ex/post-evangelicals, former fundamentalist christians, and LGBTQ+ folks, while also helping organize a faith community rooted in anti-capitalist, anti-racist, and LGBTQ+ affirming work in the backwoods of Alabama called Jubilee House Community.

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Playing to Find Ourselves: TTRPGs and Spirituality

June 12, 2022, 09:30 PM
Tanya Keenan Ryan Cagle Menachem Cohen