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Mátyás Hartyándi

Leadership researcher & OD consultant

About this Presenter

A Hungarian scholar-practitioner. MAs in Chinese philosophy, game-based education, and mental health. A decade-length of teaching experience in secondary and higher education.

Translator of indie TRPGs, story games, Danish scenarios, and Nordic larps. The organizer of the first Hungarian Games on Demand TRPG con and the first Hungarian online TRPG community. Currently head of the EPICLEVER initiative, a TRPG learning community.

As an academic, published the first Hungarian academic paper on analog RPGs and their application. Started a PhD in management and organization studies at the Corvinus University of Budapest. Currently researching how pretensive work & play can enhance learning and improve leadership development interventions. Other favorite topics include Chinese live-action murder mystery games (jubensha) and RPG prehistory.

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Pulling Back the Curtain on Geek and Gaming Research

June 11, 2022, 09:30 PM
Mátyás Hartyándi Caroline Bryan Tanwen Ward Brian Thomas Monique Hill