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Josué Cardona M.S.

Founder, Geek Therapy Founder, Geek Therapy

About this Presenter

Josué Cardona helps people understand each other. Josué is the founder of Geek Therapy, an affinity-based model therapeutic practice, on which he built the nonprofit organization Geek Therapy.

Josué's career includes roles biomedical engineering, mental health counseling, educational technology, and design research. He received clinical training in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy at the Albert Ellis Institute in New York City.

Fun fact: Josué has a Doctor Who-inspired story in Jane McGonigal's Superbetter.

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Theoretical Orientation is Your Superpower

April 09, 2021, 07:15 PM
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Geek Therapy 101

June 10, 2022, 05:00 PM
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How to Argue with the Clinical Noobs: Dismantling the Myths of Video Game Addiction

April 21, 2023, 05:00 PM
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Making Miniatures Mindfully

April 22, 2023, 10:15 PM
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Spider-Man's Search for Meaning

April 20, 2024, 09:30 PM
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