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Chrissy Profera LSW (She|They)

About this Presenter

Chrissy Profera is currently a licensed social worker, who streams with various channels. She focuses her personal life and practice around helping people and loves to create fun and inclusive game tables for people to feel comfortable at. Chrissy has been lucky enough to do a Tedx Talk about utilizing Dungeons and Dragons in a therapeutic format and thinks that a lot of other games can be utilized that way too! She's played various types of TTRPG for over 10 years and while D&D has a special place in her heart, she also loves supporting friends through various indie games. She has a huge passion for all things social justice related and hopes to continue being educated in life as it moves along. She loves to be able to be of service to others while weaving tales and having fun. Chrissy can be found all over social media @ChrissyCrits and is always open to saying hello.

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Help Us Help You: Game Master and Player Perspectives on Introducing Accommodations for Disabilities at the (Therapeutic) Gaming Table

April 22, 2023, 08:30 PM
Halley Palmer Chrissy Profera Beau Jagr Sheldon David Perlman Nico Meyering Rene Joy