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Rene Joy PSS, Writer, Designer, Organizer (She|They)

Rene Joy is a writer, designer, gamer and peer support specialist focused on harm reduction and trauma recovery in communities and across systems of care.

About this Presenter

Rene Joy is a writer, designer, gamer and peer support specialist focused on harm reduction and trauma recovery in communities and across systems of care. Her lived experience as a trauma survivor and her skills as a systems thinker and activist informs her practice: she connects deeply personal moments to justice-oriented principles by shaping shared-language and collaborative storytelling experiences. She organizes with community-led initiatives in service of better worlds, brighter futures and liberation for all.

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Neurodivergence at the Table

June 12, 2022, 06:45 PM
Jessie Duncan Mary Devorak Rene Joy Halley Palmer

Help Us Help You: Game Master and Player Perspectives on Introducing Accommodations for Disabilities at the (Therapeutic) Gaming Table

April 22, 2023, 08:30 PM
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