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Kayla Devorak MS (she/her)

Geek Therapy, CASTT Gamers At the Intersection of Tech & Mental Health

About this Presenter

Kayla sits at the intersection of tech and mental health.

Kayla no longer practices therapy, but instead has used her marriage & family therapy training as a systemic foundation for the work she does in the Assistive Technology realm. She focuses on showcasing mental health assistive technology as well as adaptive gaming (both video and tabletop games). Kayla believes in bottom-up approaches, collaboration, and acknowledging the ways the systems create barriers to access to people of all identities and brings this to every interaction she engages in.

Kayla is currently employed by the PACER Center, Inc as an Assistive Technology Specialist and a STEM coordinator. Kayla offers AT consultations for all individuals, but specializes in mental health, education, and adaptive gaming. As a STEM coordinator, Kayla is responsible for STEM programming with a focus on engaging middle school to high school students of all marginalized genders through workshops and EXITE Camp (a 5-day STEM camp in the summer). She is currently developing a STEM TTRPG.

She is a founding member of CASTT Gamers, a multidisciplinary community with a focus on the applied, spiritual, and therapeutic applications of Tabletop Role-Playing Games. She also supports Geek Therapy as a Technology Specialist and TAGGS Coordinator.

She has appeared on GT Radio as a guest to discuss her and Lara's Kids on Brooms characters, Lexa & Riley (Episode 318), the marvel movie Multiverse of Madness (Episode 326), and Taylor Swift (Episode 339).

Kayla's claim to fame is her QA game developer credit for her QA work on Call of Duty: Cold War.

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Diversity in Role Play: Facing Discrimination

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Treatment Goals using Applied TTRPGS

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Unleash the Queer Geek Within: Queer Identity Development through TTRPGS

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Adapted Gaming Showcase (Keynote)

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TTRPG Character Development as Personal Growth and Healing

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